Tips for the perfect babymoon


Photo credit: Schwanger in der Therme via photopin (license)

Let’s start at the beginning – what on earth is a babymoon?

Until someone gave it a name (you might think it was an American marketing guru but it was in fact a British author) it was just known as holidaying when pregnant.

Or perhaps as the last trip before the realities of being a parent kick in – but neither sounds as snazzy or fits onto a greetings card, so kudos to Sheila Kitzinger for coining the term “babymoon” and making everyone’s lives a little easier.

Actually to be clear, Ms Kitzinger used the phrase to describe the post-birth ‘bonding time’ for a new family, but it has now changed to mean pre-birth travel.

Parents-to-be have been doing this for years, of course, but because the travel industry has recognised the potential in babymooners with money to spend on making the most of their time away there are now a raft of packages available.

In this article we’ll give you some tips and advice when planning your getaway and also suggest some destinations you should consider.


First a few pointers:

  • You don’t have to be first-time parents – if you’ve “been there, done that” you will probably have an even better idea of what you want from a babymoon.
  • You don’t have to stay long – most babymoons are for a long weekend or so, but you can also take a one-day version in a spa, for example
  • You should always talk to your doctor before travelling
  • If you get the go-ahead then the second trimester is probably the best time to take your holiday and the safest time is considered to be between 18-24 weeks.
  • Having said that, you can travel at any time (within reason and not within 8 weeks of the due date) should do so when you feel ready
  • Do get your doctor’s advice about flying while pregnant
  • Do not forget insurance – including coverage if you have to cancel due to complications and ensure that the policy covers travel when pregnant. Also check for any specific coverage limits they may have.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes for the journey
  • Check that the food served on flights is suitable
  • Take snacks for those unpredictable bouts of hunger


What to look for when choosing a destination for your babymoon:

  • Avoid stressful journeys – your goal is to get some rest so you do not want be stuck in an airport waiting for hours on a connection or driving all day in the car
  • If you do want to fly long-haul don’t fly a budget airline – pay extra for the comforts of business class so you can stretch out and sleep
  • A pool and/or beach are pretty much essential – swimming while pregnant is an ideal way to relax
  • Make sure that high quality medical care is available nearby just in case
  • Again, consult your doctor regarding vaccinations and destination-specific travel precautions
  • And get a letter from your doctor stating that it is safe for you to travel – some airlines will insist on one
  • If considering a tropical vacation watch out for extreme weather like cyclones and storms – “dream” destinations like Mauritius are prone to bad weather at certain times of the year but this is rarely mentioned in the brochures…


Photo credit: Babymoon im Hotel Almesberger, Österreich via photopin (license)

Babymoon packages often include some or all of these bonuses:

  • Couples massages or other spa treatments
  • Gifts at check-in such as a diary for parents to write in
  • Pregnancy body pillows in the room
  • Breakfast in bed
  • Gift basket with baby related items
  • Late checkouts
  • Room upgrades
  • Sparkling water in the room
  • Treats such as cookies and milk or chocolate covered strawberries at bedtime
  • Gift certificates for local baby stores


Recommended destinations for your babymoon:

The following places receive consistently glowing reviews from babymooners and often have special packages just for prospective parents:


The Lake District



The Bahamas

The Virgin Islands






So what are you waiting for? It’s time to get planning to make the most of this special time – enjoy it!

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1327

One comment

  1. I just heard that expression a year ago, and think the Babymoon-thing will grow bigger and bigger. I love the concept, and have done my own versions of Babymoon before giving birth to all my three children.

    Nice blog you have! Regards from a fellow Nordic Travel Blogger

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