Best Practices for Travelling with Your Dog

Dog-parent bonds are one of the strongest in the world, and you can attest to that. Sometimes, it can be challenging to take a trip alone, imagining how much you will miss your furry buddy. This is the best way to create memorable days for your pet’s experience.

However, it can be equally stressful if you don’t prepare the journey well in a way that makes you both feel relaxed.

Before travelling with your dog, you must do a lot of planning. Following the highlighted practices will help you have the best trip experience ever. If you are unsure, consult a travel assistant or vet team for further insights.

Whether you have a trip soon or have been dying to travel with your doggie, below are plenty of ideas to make the tour smooth and rewarding.

Carry Enough Dog Food

Food is essential for any pet to fulfill its nutritional needs. When travelling with your dog, carrying enough food is vital. This keeps their tummy full and saves them from the restlessness associated with hunger. It’s advisable to bring what they’re used to at home. Also, there may be better times to try something new.

Remember to pack enough water so your pup doesn’t try to drink from people’s bottles and their favourite treats. Dog food should be packed in airtight containers to avoid the invasion of bacteria. However, do not feed your pet in a moving vehicle. It can upset their stomach and cause anxiety.

Pack their Supplies Well

After visiting pet stores to purchase the necessary supplies, you should pack these items before you travel. Your little furry friend may need more than you do since you know them better, but here are some items you should not forget.

These include health records, feeding supplies, waste bags, medication, water, and food. Other items include toothbrushes, toys, first-aid kits, treats, and bedding. Packing depends on the duration of the trip, pet needs, destination, and personal preferences.

Visit the Vet Before the Trip

Another incredible practice for travelling with a dog is to ensure you pay the vet a visit before the trip. This visit ensures that the dog’s vaccinations are up to date for their safety and that of other people and pets.

In most countries, a vet visit is crucial for travelling with pets to control illnesses and outbreaks. Besides vaccinations, it’s advisable not to take your dog on a journey if it’s unwell, as the fluctuating atmosphere can deteriorate its health. If it has ongoing medication, remember to tag it along.

Invest in Travel Crates

Using a travel crate when travelling with your dog can make the entire experience enjoyable, mainly if the pet is not used to long journeys or gets nervous in a car. You will also be comfortable knowing your baby is in a safe space. Travel crates are also ideal for emergencies while moving around with a pet.

The crate should be spacious and made of high-quality materials and style. Due to their features, collapsible crates are preferable. Dog parents should start crate training their pets early enough so it becomes easy when a trip comes up.

Identify Your Dog

Dog identification is a must when travelling with a pet. A lot can happen during a trip, especially if it’s far away from home, which is a new environment for the animal. You must identify them appropriately and keep them out of the crowd.

Some effective methods include putting them on a strong collar and leash with ID tags with their name, age, contact details, and proof of rabies vaccination. It’s also crucial to always walk with a photo of them on your phone or a hard copy in case they get lost. Microchipping is one of the safest forms of identification because you can always track the pet’s steps from your computer or phone.

Find Pet-Friendly Accommodations

Discovering that the hotel or plane you booked does not allow pets can be devastating. It’s good to research the essentials in advance to avoid such inconveniences. The most obvious is the means of travel. If it’s public, you must find out if it allows pets on board.

Second on the list is where you intend to stay during your trip. Thirdly, having decided on the activities you intend to undertake during your travel, you must know if they will also be manageable for your pet. Still, you can always find a pet sitter for business trips.

Take a Test Drive

Taking your pet out for a spin before your big trip is a good idea. This is especially helpful for dogs not used to travelling as it helps them get comfortable with the experience.

You can take a quick trip with your pet using the planned transport and see how they behave. Based on what you observe, decide how often you’ll need to do this before the journey. Make sure to treat your pet for good behaviour and encourage them to keep it up.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1327

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