Brighten up your winter


Photo credit: G.OZCAN via photopin cc

This post is by Grown-Uo Travel Guide Contributor Sally Stevens

Last year, I kicked off my flip flops and ventured out for a winter holiday. I generally hibernate during the winter months, not loving the darkness and cold, and much preferring the sun and general jolliness of holidays during the summer. However, boredom took over and I decided to give it a go.

I loved it. I am now a winter holiday convert.

One thing I did realise though, is just how different winter and summer holidays are, and just what you need to change and bear in mind when you’re heading away during those dark winter months.

First of all – packing. This had a few challenges. Basically, it didn’t involve flips flops and light, floaty clothing, it basically involved heavy clothes that took up an awful lot more space in my suitcase. I got around this by wearing a lot of my heavier clothes, so I wore my coat and heaviest boots to travel in, and basically threw it in the overhead locker during the flight. I wore a cardigan for travel, so that was one less thing for the suitcase, and tottered around the airport in my heeled boots, just making sure I sat down a lot more than usual!

Evening clothes are also something to consider, because I found I didn’t go out that much in the evening, instead I went down to the hotel bar for a few drinks, and although I got dressed up, I didn’t go for the all out glamour I would have done on a summer holiday.

Basically, winter breaks are a lot more relaxed, and that is actually a really wonderful contrast.

Holidays during the winter months can be a little more awkward, because if you’re heading to a resort that is very accessible during summer, you might find it only accessible via indirect flights in winter, just as I did. I found I had to fly via Istanbul to get to Dalaman in Turkey, but it only added two hours onto my travel plans and cost a little less too. One thing you do have to be careful of is getting to the airport, because bear in mind winter weather can be unpredictable. It’s with this thought in mind I decided to drive myself to the airport, because then I didn’t have to rely on public transport running, and I could set off when I deemed it necessary. I parked my car up, having booked Stansted airport parking beforehand, and the stress disappeared. I even saved money.

I can’t rate this service highly enough, so look into the facilities available at your airport, such as Luton Airport parking for short-haul winter flights, which is a service I’ve used in the past. You won’t miss out, no matter where you fly from, as this is generally a nationwide service, with great rates available. I regularly book Manchester Airport parking and always save money when compared to the cost of public transport, so it’s certainly worth checking out for that reason alone!

Winter might be dark and dismal, but by booking a wintery getaway, you can make the cold season a lot more enjoyable.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1359

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