Five Things That Need To Be Taken Care Of Before You Go Camping

Camping brings out the best in an adventure seeker. If you love adventure, then camping just has to be on your to-do list. Age is no barrier. If you’re young, you can always ask your parents to accompany you in the woods. Those camping regularly would understand the joys and pleasures that come along with a camping expedition. But before go out to camp, you need to have some camping essentials at your disposal. Camping in the woods without essentials can be dangerous.

No matter how experienced a camper you are, you’ll need a bunch of essentials to keep your body and soul together while camping.

Here are a few things you can consider before you go out to camp:

Know the place well

If you’re going out to camp, you  need to know the campsite. Make a list of entry and exit points. Also, if you are going on a camping trip for the first time, then take someone along who knows the place well. Camping locations can turn out to be quite overwhelming at first. If you camp frequently, then you can pitch your tent at one of the familiar locations. This will allow you to feel a bit comfortable. Also, have your maps and compasses in place well before the trip gets underway. If you are a first-time camper and are accompanying someone who knows the campsite well, half the battle is already won.

Don’t go alone, ever

A lot of first-time campers make this mistake of hitting the woods all by themselves. This happens to be one of the biggest mistakes that is committed by even the most experienced campers. Even if you are going out to camp alone, someone should know where you are going. More often than not, take someone along. In this way, you will have someone for company. Having someone to talk to is always a good idea. Having someone company also provides you with a couple of helping hands. If your partner happens to be good at cooking, then don’t forget to take him/her along.

Have sufficient food and water supplies at your disposal

Yes, that’s quite important. You need to have a good amount of food and water supplies at your disposal. Camping is no fun without sufficient food. Also, you can conduct a recce of sorts in order to ascertain how good or bad the campsite is. A good campsite will have adequate water bodies for you to fetch some fresh water. Also, fishing is an exciting activity. You can always catch some fresh fish if there is a considerable number of water bodies around your campsite.

Have a knife at your disposal

A knife forms the heart and soul of a camper but you will need a lot more than just a knife to survive in the wild. You can stuff all of your things in a big backpack. Also, if you wish to keep the frequently-used items separately, then you can buy a Bail Out Bag. Using this bag, you’ll be able to keep all of your frequently-used items in place. You can always pull out your stuff easily and quickly if you have one such bag at your disposal.

Tell someone where you are going

Yes, this part is important. You need to have people on standby in case something goes wrong. It is also a good idea to keep a smartphone/cell phone handy. Have the numbers of your friends and family members on speed dial. In this way, you will be able to get access to the outside world.

So, all of these pointers will come in handy if and when you are planning to go camping. Keep these in mind and you’re camping trip will go as per plan.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

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