Hindi? Telugu? Marathi? What Language Should You Study To Understand India?

India is with no shadow of a doubt one of a kind country which brings interest a lot of people who love discovering new extraordinary cultures. This country is famous because of many things such as spiritual experiences, unique food cuisine or breath-taking nature. But how really can you understand what India is all about without knowing the languages of people who live there? As it turns out, there is a number of them so firstly, you need to choose which one you want to learn at the start.

Why so amazing

India is a pretty large country, and it is especially unique because of its diversity. The country has a long as well as interesting history – everyone should read something about at least a few chapters of it. One of the first civilizations was born in India. The pleasant climate and the large rivers were very appreciated by our ancestors. Thousands of years ago, many humans have already discovered that land has something amazing in it and thought that it could be a perfect home for them.

There are plenty of citizens in India today, and they live in many different parts of their country. These people also have plenty of languages. All of this diversity is probably the main reason why India appears as one of a kind country in most of the travel books. No wonder it has become an inspiration for a lot of artists in the whole world and so many travelers dream every night about visiting this Asian country as soon as it is possible.

Trip to Asia

For people who live in Europe, the United States of America or maybe Africa travel to Asia is for sure an exciting event. Even countries are very different from each other, so the new continent especially brings a totally fresh adventure in everybody’s lives. Traveling is a great thing, and currently, more and more people have an opportunity to try it themselves. However, do not forget that you need to prepare in the right way before your great travel to India.

There are many valuable things you need to think about before your exciting flight. No matter whether you live in Berlin in Germany or in Long Island in America – everyone ought to remember that they may need travel insurance. Of course, there is a good chance that you will not take advantage of it after all, but we have all heard that it is better to be safe than sorry. We like it or not, humans cannot predict their future.

The flight to India usually takes some time, so think about going for business class if you can. You will be much more comfortable there than as if you booked an economic class. The largest airlines in the US offers flights to many different cities in the whole of Asia. What are some really useful tips for long flights? Make sure that you will not be bored during all those hours – take a book with you on board or talk with your travel buddies on board. Moreover, do not forget to take some food or money for it, especially if you will not have anything to eat.

One country, many languages

Now you know a lot of things about India and the trip to this country. Therefore, it is without a shadow of a doubt a high time to focus on another topic. What is the thing about languages in India? Some people guess that humans there use Hindi and it is kind of the truth. It is probably the most popular language and is also an official one. Yes, a number of citizens know it but not everybody – some humans use such languages as Telugu or Marathi.

You can learn Hindi or Marathi in many schools in Europe or America. English students can be taught these languages thanks to the number of speech writing services in UK.  However, we have some great things for you to announce now. If you are one of the people who speak English well enough, it is a great chance that you will have no problem with communication with many humans in India. However, learning the languages of the country has its benefits.

Pic. from Quora

You would be able to understand the whole rich culture of India in a unique way. Every state in India has a different language so it would be very difficult to learn all of them. Obviously, some of them are similar to each other, at least to some extent. But why are there so many languages in India, really? As you read before, India is vast and has a long history. This includes, among other things, a lot of migration and of course colonialism.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

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