On the Road to a Smoke-Free Life: Overcoming Temptation While Traveling


A vast majority of smokers are aware of the fact of how detrimental tobacco is to their health, however, just like with most vices, quitting cigarettes is definitely not as easy. To some, it may be a very long journey.

But just because you currently perceive it as a mission impossible, it doesn’t mean that it really is. Don’t forget that you are not the only one and that there have been people just like you who thought they would never be able to stand up against this, but somehow, they managed to do so.

To show you that you can truly lead a smoke-free life, no matter where you are or what you are doing, we are going to provide you with some proven tips that have helped others before. So let’s check them out right now!

Motivate Yourself

Whenever you feel as if you will never get rid of this addiction, just try to motivate yourself by imagining what your life will be like once you quit smoking. For example, just take a look at the current situation.

Right now, you are planning a perfect trip, and you are probably already worried that you won’t be able to fully enjoy your vacation because you will have a constant need to take a break, and find a place where you can light a cigarette.

No matter how harmless this may appear to be at first glance, it can honestly be very burdening. However, if you eliminate cigs completely, none of these things will ever cross your mind again. Besides that, you won’t put anyone at health risk from various illnesses with secondhand smoke, which means that you’ve taken an important step to safeguard them.

Not to mention the fact that this decision is going to impact your health as well, since you will significantly decrease the chances of suffering from different health issues, such as lung cancer, heart-related conditions, etc.

There are plenty of benefits that come with this decision. You just need to find something that’s going to stimulate you even more!

A Better Alternative – Nicotine Pouches

Here’s something that’s very practical that you can carry with you while you’re on the go. It’s a perfect replacement for cigarettes and it has become insanely popular among former smokers. It’s called a nicotine pouch, and it’s very small and easy to utilize.

What makes it so amazing is the fact that you can carry it wherever you go and no one is ever going to notice it. It’s ideal for traveling, or those hectic days when you hardly have enough time to breathe, let alone anything else.

Now, the question is, where can you buy it? Namely, those who reside in North America, normally opt for Zyn pouches in Canada because they are extremely practical. All you need to do is put them between your lip and gum and nicotine will immediately be absorbed without smoking.

Even though they are still not officially approved by the FDA, lots of people perceive them as an excellent (and above all, healthier) solution to tobacco.

Have You Heard Of Nicotine Replacement Therapy?

If you’ve heard of it before, and you even considered it, yet you aren’t one hundred percent sure whether it’s a good idea or not, then for starters, you should talk to your healthcare provider to see if you should try it out or not.

There are several options at your disposal, and below some of them are going to be discussed. They include the following:

  1. Prescription nicotine in a nasal spray, or you can use it in the form of inhaler
  2. Nicotine lozenges, gum, and patches. All of these things can be purchased without having a prescription
  3. Prescription stop-smoking drugs like bupropion and varenicline

Nicotine gum, nasal sprays, and lozenges are also very practical, just like patches, which means that you can bring them to your upcoming road trip. On the flip side, many people who want to quit smoking turn to e-cigarettes.

Although they are very popular too, there’s no evidence that they are a better option than traditional cigarettes.

Prepare Yourself Properly

If you want to quit tobacco for good, then you need to properly prepare yourself for this. For starters, you need to toss away anything that’s going to remind you of this habit, such as a lighter, matches, ashtrays, and most importantly, any pack of cigarettes.

If you are traveling with someone who is smoking, then ask them to do it when you are not around, so that they do not remind you of it. You should let everyone know that you are trying to quit this vice.

If there are people from your surroundings, like your family members, friends, or anyone else you know who want to quit smoking as well, then it would be great if you established some type of support group that’s going to include all of them, even the ones who do not smoke but just want to be supportive of this decision.

Another thing that you can do is to embed a “No Smoking” sign on the doors, computer, or any other place that you can think of. This is going to constantly remind you that this has become your new resolution.

You may not think that this method is effective, but you wouldn’t believe how useful it is because visual reminders are way more omnipotent than they seem to be, plus they are an amazing encouragement whenever you want to give up, or you lose some motivation.

Furthermore, you must be aware of the fact that, at times, you may get the urge to return to cigarettes, especially in the beginning. However, when something like this happens, you need to distract yourself with something that you find entertaining that’s going to shift your focus.

If you prepare yourself the right way for anything that may occur on this journey, you’ll know exactly how to react to resist the urge.

If you are reading this article, then it most likely means that you are ready to leave this vice behind and move on with your life without it. That’s the first step toward success, and the second one is to implement some of these tips.  

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1327

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