When the Sun Doesn’t Shine: Rainy Day Vacation Activities for Bored Grownups

Photo credit: Momentchensammler Melancholy of a rainy Day via photopin (license)

There’s nothing worse than being on vacation when the weather turns bad and you have nothing to do, both for kids and grownups. So, while you’re hoping for the best weather on your vacation, it’s best to plan ahead, just in case. Here are some relaxing activities that will burn time fast and in fun ways.

The most important thing is to make sure all your gear stays dry. Pitch your tent on good terrain, preferably on a camp site pad that is covered in small stones – this ensures good drainage. Tie a tarp up over the tent or between tents so it will keep off the heavier rain and give you some space to move around and stay dry when you’re building a fire and cooking. Hang any wet gear outside under the tarp. There’s no sense getting the inside of the tent wet.

Make Sure Your Take Some Playing Cards

Whether it’s Old Maid, Go Fish, Slap Jack, Hearts or just a plain old deck of cards, it’s always good to have them with you on a family vacation for those rainy days. There’s not need to worry if you have forgotten the rules or you’re looking for a new game to play, because the Bicycle Cards app has all the rules. You can pick games based on number of players, age group or type of game.

Add a Little Color to a Rainy Day

The mandala coloring book app by Apalon Apps is a great coloring book for mobile devices and it’s suitable for kids or adults. Whether you’re in the mood to color beautiful flowers or animals, people, complex geometric patterns or mandalas, this app has it all. And there is a huge range of color shades to choose from with more than 25 separate palettes. When you’ve completed a picture, you can add vignettes or textures and share it with friends and family.

Take a Hike in the Rain

As long as it’s not a monsoon, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with hiking in the rain. Just make sure everyone wears waterproofs and rubber boots and has enough layers underneath to stay comfortably warm. Despite what you may think, hiking in the rain can be fun. You’ll get to see a whole different side of nature. What’s more, you can warm up later round the campfire while you make s’mores.

Find an Interesting Place Nearby to Visit

If you’re not in the mood for hiking in the rain, it doesn’t mean you have to stay in your tent until the storm is over. Pack everyone into the car and go and see something interesting. If you’re new to your locale, check out Trip Advisor. This website and app is a great way to discover family-friendly places to see. It includes directions and reviews written by previous visitors.

Keep these activities in mind next time you go camping. They’ll help you and the family pass the time if you’re beginning to get bored.

Samantha McLean shares her parenting and lifestyle articles around the web. She’s a working Mom of 2 who uses writing as her time for relaxing after a busy day.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1353

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