Aerial Video: Hietaniemi Cemetery, Helsinki, Finland in winter

As you may know we invested in a DJI Phantom Vision 2+ flying camera/drone/UAV/RPAS some years ago here at Grown-up Travel Guide and have been addicted ever since. No matter what you call it – as you can see, these things have many names – there’s no denying that being able to film in full HD and take high quality photos from the air opens up a whole new dimension.

I found this film from when we were just starting to scratch the surface of what we can do with our machine in a travel context and figured it was good enough for a repeat!

Whilst we have published a few clips on our YouTube channel it seems a waste not to put them up here too.

Naturally you’ll see a lot of footage filmed here in Norway but I have also taken the bird with me to the USA and Denmark and plan to travel with it as much as possible.

This was from January when I managed to sneak in a flight during my trip to the Finnish capital.

Enjoy 🙂

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1354

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