An Unforgettable Travel Experience: Whale Watching

In traveling the world, you’ve seen a great many things. Whether you walked through the mirrored hall at Versailles, stood in the shadow of the pyramids, or looked out from the top of the Empire State Building, you still have so much you want to do! That’s where the magic of wildlife focused holidays comes into play.

The wonders of the human world can be awe-inspiring. However, it’s only when we begin to take in the life of amazing creatures that we even begin to understand all that this spectacular planet has to offer. Taking a holiday that focuses on whale watching is one of the ways we can glimpse into the fascinating world of ocean life.

Whale watching can be extremely exhilarating. These magnificent creatures dwarf us in so many ways! To see them in their annual migratory patterns, their unbelievably large bodies soaring out of the water for the briefest of moments, it really starts to put life into a whole new perspective.

Just the Right Bay

Whale watching isn’t exactly a science, but it isn’t all happenstance either. Most species of whale have specific locations around the world that they visit during certain parts of the year. Whether you’re traveling a long way, trying to stay fresh on the plane, to see a whale in Monterey Bay, or playing with whales and dolphins in the Solomon Islands, there are a few places where you can get up close and personal with these awesome creatures.

Here are just a few tours, in a few different parts of the world, that may be enticing to you!

  • Spring in the Prince William Sound – Alaska, USA
  • Whales and dolphins of Monterey Bay – California, USA
  • Whales and dolphins of the Azores – Portugal
  • Baja California and the Sea of Cortez – Mexico
  • The Solomon Islands – a Wildlife Cruise in the South Pacific

Once you know what time of year you’ll be able to travel, you can start to plan your once in a lifetime holiday to observe whales and dolphins and many other creatures in their ocean habitats!

Be Prepared

Preparing for this unforgettably vacation will not only mean knowing exactly where you’re going, but how long your journey will be, where you’ll be staying, booking the boats, and so on for what may seem like forever! Booking a trip just to see wildlife may sound a bit daunting. But if you find the right company, whale watching holidays can be an extremely relaxing get away!

Booking out your holiday with the help of a professional company means that they have everything taken care of for you! Meaning you won’t have to worry about worry about what accommodations you’ll be needing, figuring out how to book a day trip on a boat, or stumbling upon an expert biologist to talk you through the many species you may encounter!

Let’s take a closer look at three of the many different whale focused tours you can take for your next holiday!

Spring in the Prince William Sound

Travel to Alaska in the spring to see some of the amazing mountain views, the rich wildlife, as well as the many whales that can be seen in Prince William Sound! This fourteen-day journey will allow you to bask in the majesty of the wilderness of Alaska!

You can visit rainforest-clad islands, gigantic glaciers, the mountains of the Chugach Range, calm fjords, even take in a few tidal estuaries! Start off in Anchorage, then enter the small community of Cordova at the mouth of the Copper River. For three nights you will enjoy the coastal life, while taking in the many marshes, ponds, and forests!

Part of your journey through Alaska will be a seven-night cruise around the vast sound. The experts will guide you through the fjords, around the inlets, and through the waterways where you may see everything from porpoises to Humpback whales to Puffins!

The species of whale and ocean wildlife you may encounter will be:

  • Orcas
  • Humpback whales
  • Pods of Dall’s Porpoises
  • Sea Otters

The species of animals you may see on the coast will be:

  • Black bears
  • Grizzly bears
  • Mountain Goats
  • Moose

Not only will you be able to see all of these amazing natural sights, but you’ll also get a good chance to see many species of seabirds! From Western Sandpipers, to various species of ducks, the wildlife activity in the Prince William Sound is unforgettable! Check with your booking agent about extending your journey to see some of more amazing attractions available in Alaska!

Whales and Dolphins of the Azores

The unbelievably beautiful Azores archipelago offers not only awe-inspiring views of the vast Atlantic, but great areas to spot dolphins and Sperm Whales! Your seven-day holiday far off the coast of Portugal will leave you practically speechless with its stunning coastlines. Spend your day basking in this beautiful island getaway, while searching the horizon for the wildlife of the Atlantic!

Start off in London, then make your way to the nine volcanic islands that stretch over 600 kilometers across the ocean! The tour will be based out of the island of Pico, where you’ll be more than comfortable in a four-star hotel a few minutes’ walk from the harbor. There will be six, half-day morning or afternoon whale and dolphin-watching trips.

Sperm Whales can be found around the Azores islands year round. These amazing animals have the largest brains on the planet! You’ll not only get to learn a lot of interesting facts about the Sperm Whales, but you’ll be able to see some other amazing creatures!

Here are some of the other animals and wildlife you’ll be able to observe in the Azores:

  • Common Dolphin
  • Risso’s Dolphin
  • Striped Dolphin
  • Bottlenose Dolphin
  • Pilot Whales
  • Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (summer time only)

On rare occasions, you may also be able to spot:

  • Sowerby’s Beaked Whales
  • False Killer Whales
  • Northern Bottlenose Whales

Enjoy this exotic and enticing location for all the it can offer! Amazing views, spectacular birdlife and whale-watching, and the opportunity to have a once in a lifetime vacation!

The Solomon Islands

Fly around the world to the beautiful Solomon Islands to see some of the most glorious views, panoramic scenes, and of course, whales and dolphins! This fourteen-day journey will take you from London, to Brisbane, to the Solomon Islands, and back again.

The first few days will be filled with traveling and flying, quite literally, around the world from London, England to Brisbane, Australia. Once you arrive in Brisbane, you’ll board another flight to Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands. This glorious city is where you will depart for the ten-night cruise around the islands!

As a large part of the “Coral Triangle” the islands are incorporated with the center for global marine biology! Not only will you spend your day observing the seabirds and the many species of whales and dolphins, but you’ll also be able to snorkel over some of the world’s most beautifully preserved coral reefs!

Here are some of the species of whale and dolphins you may encounter:

  • False Killer Whale
  • Blue Whale
  • Omura’s Whale
  • Spotted Dolphin
  • Fraser’s Dolphin

Make certain to bring an amazing pair of binoculars on this journey, as the Omura’s Whale may be hard to spot. This species was only first described in 2004! You’ll also get to observe a large list of seabird species on this absolutely beautiful whale watching holiday.

Your Whale Watching Expedition!

Exploring the world means seeing it through the perspective of someone, or in this case, something else. Whether you’re snorkeling through the brightly colored coral filled with thousands of fish, watching whales splash in the Prince William Sound, or observing dolphins and whales in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, there is a whale-watching holiday for you. Don’t just change your perspective, change your idea of what the perfect holiday can be like!

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1354

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