As the Leaves Fall: Awesome Autumnal Activities in Park City, Utah


Photo credit: Afternoon Rain, Near Moab, Utah, USA via photopin (license)

You can almost feel the sense of anticipation amongst the people of Park City as the Autumnal foliage on the trees creates a blaze of color which is a not only a breathtaking site to behold in its own right, but it is a sign that winter is just around the corner.

It seems that almost as soon as the leaves reveal their amazing foliage, the clock is counting down towards winter.

Whilst autumn can sometimes feel such a short prelude to the snow that is on the way, there are some fun activities to enjoy as the leaves fall and the temperature starts to drop.

If you are booked into a condo or a hotel and want to explore some awesome Autumnal activities in Park City, here are some things to put on your list.

Snowbird Oktoberfest

Despite the clue in the name, Oktoberfest actually starts in August and runs for eight weeks every Saturday and Sunday, including Labor Day as well.

The Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort is the venue for Oktoberfest, which is a hugely-anticipated event that is popular with families and is considered to be one of Utah’s greatest cultural events.

Admission to Oktoberfest is actually free, which is amazing when you consider the range of activities and cultural events on offer, but considering the fact that there are plenty of awesome food options and roughly 50 different varieties of beer to try, there are certainly plenty of tempting ways to spend your money.

Market in the mountains

If you are looking for more culinary inspiration in the Park City area, the Park City Farmers Market is a regular feature throughout the year.

Held every Wednesday, the farmers market encapsulates the spirit of the local area and features not just excellent food stalls, but also arts and crafts and live music.

Autumn is a perfect time to visit the farmers market while you are staying in or around Park City and if you feel inspired by your surroundings, there are even things like Yoga classes going on.

Hiking adventure

The summer months are understandably popular with hikers looking to explore the area but the autumn scenery is another opportunity to get a completely different perspective on the incredible scenery that is waiting to be discovered.

There are actually 150 miles of public trails to choose from and these range from calming and inspiring walks where you can take in the scenic views and wildlife or the opportunity to get the adrenaline pumping with some challenging terrain.

If you like the idea of biking instead of hiking, places like Round Valley offers a range of trails that cater for beginners through to intermediate abilities, so that you can enjoy a ramble or a heart-pumping challenge.

Park City is one of those places that offers great fun and entertainment whatever time of year you visit and although plenty of visitors come to enjoy the snow, there are plenty of reasons to visit when the leaves start to fall.


Jacquelyn John works in the travel industry and enjoys everything connected with the great outdoors. She likes to share her experiences online and writes regularly for some travel and lifestyle websites.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

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