Boring Travel Trip? 4 Alternative Ways to Pass the Time


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Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to make things interesting through our elaborate plans or schemes, travel can just turn out plain boring. Sometimes a destination doesn’t turn out the way we hoped or heard it would, sometimes our expectations fall short. Travel, just like life, is at the mercy of that.

What to do then when a trip doesn’t turn out like we’d hoped? Well here a bunch of other cool and interesting things you can do to rescue your time while you wait to see if the next stop on your horizon turns out any better.

Online Games

Thanks to the popularity of social media and the availability of wireless internet everywhere, it’s easier than ever to jump online, connect and play games with your friends. Whether you choose to fire up shoot ‘em up classics or pass the time with online games from Paddy Power, there is a lot of variety out there on the web. You can even play alone too if you like, useful for when you’re up late in a different time zone.



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Just as we’ve shown here, blogging can be a very fruitful and rewarding experience for those who like to share their experiences and craft a narrative in words. What’s more is, even if you don’t like writing, you can explore video blogging too and start your own YouTube channel chronicling your travels life what you’re thinking and feeling along the way. Getting started is incredibly easy and the technological requirements are fairly minimal and cheap. All it really takes is channeling your focus for a few short hours just to get started.


The web, thanks to the boom in viral content, is somewhere you can lose yourself for a long while if you allow yourself to. If you’re travelling however and bored with where you’re at, no time is better spent than that reading about forthcoming destinations, or exploring the culture of the place you’re in to better understand and enjoy it. Every country has its own history and great works of literature, perhaps instead of reading another boring and vapid list post, you can invest your time in exploring those great works and traditions instead.


You don’t always have to pack your day full of activities and excursions or whatever else it is that constitutes sightseeing and keeping productive. Sometimes it’s rewarding enough just to connect with a local in some small way, starting up a random conversation or even going for coffee. Sure it’s not easy for the shy among you but it’s definitely becoming more so thanks to sites like CouchSurfing or MeetUp which allow you to meet like-minded individuals in places you might find yourself.

However you decide to reclaim your time and make the most of your downtime on your travels understand that there are always options to better enjoy yourself and connect with the destination in which you find yourself. Stepping away from the old way of doing things and simply doing something different can really help shake you from any travel-related funk.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1354

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