Cancun, Mexico: Paradise Found

This article was written by Grown-up Travel Guide contributor Nikolia Rudenko

One of our favourite themes at Grown-up Travel Guide is that of ‘pimping your holiday’. When you make your own arrangements you can turn those precious couple of weeks into something truly special but there are also times when the convenience of a package tour is hard to ignore – especially when travelling with children. These days an increasing number of major travel firms are focusing on more unusual destinations and if you get the urge to splurge, why not let them do all the hard work? You can then spend the time until you fly out to the sun safe in the knowledge that your biggest concern when you get there is liable to be what to have for dinner…

If you’re looking for a touch of the exotic for your next escape, how about a trip to Cancun? If you’d like to really experience Cancun the authentic way, a vacation rental is the ideal option.


Photo credit: aurelio.asiain via photopin cc

Jutting out into the Caribbean Sea on Mexico’s tropical Yucatán Peninsula, Cancun is a vibrant holiday resort that’s one of the most popular locations in the long-haul brochure – and it’s not hard to see why. Since its early days as a fishing village, when it was surrounded by unchartered forests and deserted beaches, the area has grown rapidly in a short space of time and has become one of Mexico’s best-known resorts.

What’s so special about holidays in Cancun? Its Caribbean climate for one – which promises lashings of sunshine during the holiday season. Enjoy long, lazy days on the beach, sinking your toes into pillow-soft sands and feeling the sun’s warmth on your skin. Kick back on a sunbed under the shade of a rustling palm, or stir up your adrenalin with one of many different watersports – perhaps a spot of windsurfing, parasailing or scuba diving.

With the right accommodation, you can enjoy all the amenities you’d expect from a package holiday, while still having the freedom to experience the place at your own pace. Just find the best way to get from the Cancun airport to Royalton Riviera and let the relaxation begin. A little research ahead of time can save you quite a bit of money in the long run.


Photo credit: Michel Dion via photopin cc

Of course, the magic of holidays in Cancun goes well beyond the beach. This captivating corner of the Caribbean was once home to Mayan civilisations, and some ancient ruins can still be found dotted around the region. Look out for the archaeological site of El Rey, easily found amongst a cluster of hotels, and visit El Meco just outside the city on the road north to Punta Sam.


Photo credit: archer10 (Dennis) via photopin cc

If that tickles your fancy, you’ll find that all the big-name tour operators provide holidays to this gorgeous corner of the world. For instance, take a look at – their holidays in Cancun are typically all inclusive breaks with fantastic beach-side hotels, many of which offer a wealth of amenities and plenty of children’s facilities. There are plenty of special offers advertised throughout the year too.


Photo credit: Manuel Canela via photopin cc

So if you’re looking for a memorable holiday with an exotic twist this year, Cancun is paradise found…

About the author: Nikolia Rudenko is a freelancer in advertising and marketing who enjoys travel, photography and sharing experiences with friends.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1353

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