Exploring Columbian Culture

Colombia, whilst still attached to the southern tip of the US, is a country of its own, making it nice and unique from the rest of the US. So many people chose to go to the mainland US for their travels, but the south has so much to offer that the rest just can’t provide. It has a unique culture, unique history, and a unique way of life that you just don’t want to miss out on. Colombia especially should be on your hitlist. If you go to the right area, you’re going to have one of the best experience of your life. Here’s a little insight into what you can expect from a colombian adventure.

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Where To Stay


Where to stay can be a worry for some people. Just like with certain parts of the US, some parts of Colombia can be rather dicey. The last thing you want to be worried about is your safety, so think wisely when choosing the part of Colombia that you wish to stay in. One of the nicest is Cali, not to be confused with California! It is famous for its salsa music and bars that go on until the early hours of the morning! Places such as the Cali Marriott Hotel would be perfect for your stop if you were going to consider the area. A lot of people like the visit the capital, Bogota. You need to pick and chose which part of the capital you stay in depending on the experience you want. One of the coolest neighbourhoods that you could stop in is called La Candelaria. It is full of Colombian history and culture that you just need to explore for yourself to understand how amazing it actually is!


What To Expect


The first thing you can expect from a country like this is the pure heat. If you thought America was hot, think again! During the summer the temperature sore, which makes the beaches there some of the best in the world. Remember to pack your sunscreen if you are going to go! You can also expect some great food. The culture of Colombia has created some amazing recipes, mainly all hispanic based. So, you can expect plenty of tasty rice and fish dishes, with a twist and most likely a bit of spice! You can also expect a really good time. A lot of the parts of Colombia welcome tourists, and a lot of tourists spend hours and hours in bars having a great time with the locals. You should also expect pickpockets and dicey areas. Always do your research, and never wander off down side streets.


Things To Do


Just like with and tourist place, there really is plenty to do. It all depends on which area you go to, but in all you should be able to find some piece of Colombian history. Whether it be an old church or building, or a museum with many different artifacts. For those days when you just want to relax, the beach is where you should be heading. Only good vibes will be found there, and the beaches of Bogota have some of the best snorkeling areas you will find!



Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1359

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