Getting Your Money Back From Non-refundable Hotel Rooms

When you are looking for competitive rates for hotel bookings, non-refundable rooms can be quite a bargain. However, if for some reason you have to cancel your booking, you are liable to lose a fair amount of money. It is a pretty upsetting situation, one that travelers are faced with every so often.

If you had a choice, like the majority of other travellers you would love to sell your hotel room and get your money back – or at least a large portion of it. Unfortunately, this is not how the process for hotel cancellations works. Well, that was until Roomer Travel made its first appearance in the travel industry.

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To understand what Roomer means to the modern day traveler, just consider the last time you sold tickets on StubHub. They may have been for a sports event or a concert you could not attend. It is rather simple and convenient. Roomer offers you the same, but with your hotel bookings.

How Does the Process Work?

If you have non-refundable hotel bookings and wish to cancel them, Roomer has the perfect solution for you. You can sell your hotel room and recover your money. If it seems too good to be true, you will be thrilled to discover the simple and easy process that is involved. The professional service that Roomer offers sellers makes selling bookings for hotels a breeze.

When you list the travel booking that you wish to sell, the company verifies and validates the same. This ensures that every booking listed on the online travel marketplace is authentic. Thereafter, it offers any additional information that would be of interest to a buyer, and this includes images of the hotel rooms.

Once a buyer books your hotel room, you will receive an email to inform you of the same. The company will then facilitate the transfer process, smoothly and easily. To travellers, frustrated with the traditional way of cancelling non-refundable hotel rooms, Roomer, with its fully automated system and excellent support offers a welcome respite.

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You may be worried about how the booking will be transferred into the buyer’s name. This is taken care of by Roomer’s Reservation Transfers Department, which is dedicated to this very purpose. The buyer will present their own credit card information and your details will be removed in connection to the booking. The entire process is automated and you do not need to take any extra steps or deal with tedious details.

Is Your Money Safe?

The most important question that people want answered when it comes to hotel cancellations is the loss that they will have to bear. With Roomer you can recover most of the cost of your hotel booking, without having to worry about cancellation charges. When the buyer books a room and makes a payment, the money is held in the secure Roomer Vault.

Ten days after the date of check out, the money is transferred to you via a secure PayPal transaction. This process is smooth and streamlined. Neither do you have to worry about negotiating the price at which you sell your hotel room, nor do you need to deal with the buyer yourself.

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Buyers on their part are thrilled with the travel marketplace as they are able to gain from discounted hotel room prices. This helps them keep within their travel budget while booking a great room. They also feel secure knowing that the booking is authenticated and the financial transaction is safe. Best of all they do not have to contact the hotel to transfer the booking to their name, Roomer does that for them.

The Travel Industry is Happy

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While it may seem difficult to believe but hotels are actually happy with the service and advantage that Roomer offers its clients. This is because experts estimate that everyday more than 200,000 rooms are cancelled in the United States. This results in a whopping $8.6 billion damage to the travel industry due to non-refundable hotel bookings.

It also affects potential guests, and that is never good for business. In addition, it leads to a loss of commission for travel agents and hotels lose out on income from food, beverages and other hotel amenities.

While Roomer Travel began with hotel bookings in the United States it has since broadened its horizons. Now, sellers can list hotel bookings in different parts of the world.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1354

One comment

  1. Booking non-refundable hotel rooms can sometimes hurt you. if you change your plans, you lose the money. But thanks to Roomer, I have been able to sell my hotel rooms and people buying it are more than happy because they are getting it at less than 50% of market price, like this Room in Edinburgh

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