Holiday Activities To Make You Feel Like A Native

Travelling is a wonderful opportunity to gain perspective and feel immersed in a new culture. Even if we’re not travelling to some far-flung location, we can still find that a change of scenery refreshes our body and mind.

But it can also be easy to feel a little out of place. Feeling confident can make the difference between a fun holiday and a life-changing experience. Why not try something different to make you feel instantly like a native?


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Learn A Popular Sport

Many nations have activities and sports that are particularly popular with the locals. Indian residents often love cricket. Canada is well known for ice hockey and skiing. England is famous for rugby and football.

Our athletic days may be long behind us or we may be highly fit and active. Whatever your level, why not experience a national sport as either a participant or spectator? You might be able to score some great tickets to an American football game and experience the electric atmosphere.

Or why not really challenge yourself with a Canada ski instructor course? You’ll return with a new skill and some amazing experiences!


Take A Cookery or Cocktail Class

The national dish or popular drink of a nation can tell you a great deal about its history and values. Seafood is a staple of many coastal towns, for example.

Wine is emphasised in regions with great climates and luscious grapes. There is sometimes no faster way to the heart of a nation than through its stomach! So why not experience it first hand? Cookery classes or cocktail mixing sessions can be a wonderful way to meet new people or to make memories with your own travel buddies.


Take A Tour  

Taking a tour may initially feel like the least native thing to do! You’re identifying yourself as someone who doesn’t know the area. You’re putting yourself in the hands of someone who will guide you around.

But there are few ways that make you feel as grounded and familiar with an area in a short space of time as taking a tour. Tour guides are often incredibly passionate and knowledgeable about the region. You can learn as much by listening to one for a few minutes as you would by reading several books. Pay attention, enjoy yourself, and you’ll feel at home in no time.


Stay With A Local

With the internet and new apps, there are more opportunities than ever to identify local families to stay with. It may seem a daunting experience, but staying in the company of locals is undoubtedly a fast-track way to know the area. You will get inside information on the best haunts along with safety tips and interesting anecdotes! Seek the recommendations of friends who have done something similar. Also ensure you have given the address to family and friends before you set off.If you’re going abroad, you may even have the chance to learn a few foreign phrases and practise your language skills! Check well in advance to make sure everything is safe and above board.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1346

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