Nairobi Travel Tips

Nairobi Travel Tips: The Pulse of Adventure and Culture

I LOVE Nairobi. There, I’ve said it. Apparently this is a controversial thing to say, but controversial only to those who do not understand the place. Don’t be like them. To help you in that, here are some of my Nairobi Travel tips.

Nairobi Travel Tips
Photo by Kenny Murgor on Unsplash

A History That Echoes

Nairobi’s history is a complex weave of cultural influences and political changes. Established by the British as a simple rail depot, it swiftly grew into an essential hub for the East African British colonies. Nairobi’s architecture reveals its history, with British colonial buildings standing next to modern skyscrapers.

The struggles and triumphs of the fight for independence resonate in landmarks like Jomo Kenyatta’s Mausoleum and the August 7th Memorial Park. Each place tells a story, preserving the memory of a past that shaped Nairobi into the city it is today.

The Karen Blixen Museum not only speaks of the famous author but of a time when Kenya was the dream of adventurers and explorers. Meanwhile, the Nairobi National Museum stands as a guardian of Kenya’s cultural and natural heritage, preserving the rich tapestry that forms the country’s identity.

Urban Jungle Meets Wild Safari

Image by Alex Strachan from Pixabay


Nairobi’s National Park is a wonder that allows visitors to experience the wild right in the city. But it’s not the only natural oasis within Nairobi. The Nairobi Giraffe Centre focuses on conservation and education, giving visitors a chance to learn about the endangered Rothschild’s giraffe.

The city’s commitment to conservation is further seen in the Karen Giraffe Manor, where guests can dine with these elegant creatures. The Nairobi Elephant Orphanage nurtures orphaned elephants, focusing on reintroduction into the wild.

For those wanting a deeper dive into wildlife, Nairobi serves as a gateway to the breathtaking landscapes of the Great Rift Valley and the Maasai Mara, where the spectacle of the annual wildebeest migration awaits. Adventure beckons at every turn, and in Nairobi, the wild is never far away.

Markets and Souvenirs: A Shopper’s Paradise

Nairobi’s markets are a cacophony of sights, sounds and smells that offer a kaleidoscopic view into the city’s vibrant culture. They’re the perfect place to hunt for unique souvenirs, from traditional Maasai beadwork and Kikoy wraps to Kenyan coffee and tea.

A visit to the Maasai Market is an essential Nairobi experience. Here, you’ll find artisans selling colourful handmade jewellery, traditional sculptures, vibrant fabrics and more. Each stall is a showcase of Kenyan creativity, offering treasures that capture the spirit of this dynamic country.

At the Kazuri Women’s Cooperative, located in Karen, you’ll find beautiful handmade ceramic beads and pottery. Started as a social enterprise to empower disadvantaged women, each purchase here not only gets you a beautiful souvenir, but also contributes to a worthy cause.

Another noteworthy stop is the Nairobi City Market. Here, amidst the stalls selling fruits, vegetables and spices, you’ll find crafts, carvings, paintings, and textiles. The city’s largest traditional market, it’s a one-stop destination for all your souvenir needs.

These bustling bazaars and markets are not just places to shop, but spaces where you can connect with the city’s pulse. Each negotiation is a conversation, each purchase, a memory. In Nairobi, shopping isn’t just an activity, it’s an experience.

A Melting Pot of Cultures

The cultural richness of Nairobi stems from the convergence of over 40 ethnic communities. This blend has created a tapestry of traditions, languages, and cuisines. Visit the Maasai Market to haggle for beautiful beadwork, or the Kariokor Market for pottery and leather crafts.

Explore the Swahili influence in Nairobi’s coastal dishes, or savor the Indian touch in their flatbreads and curries. Music and dance are integral parts of Nairobi’s cultural landscape, from the rhythmic beat of traditional drums to the modern Afro-pop that resonates in the city’s nightclubs.

Art lovers can explore contemporary Kenyan art at the Nairobi Gallery, or discover local talents at the various art spaces and galleries spread throughout the city. Nairobi’s cultural scene is a fascinating exploration, a journey through the senses that captures the city’s heartbeat.

Image (s) TAP Magazine

A Nightlife That Never Sleeps

Nairobi’s nightlife is as vibrant and diverse as the city itself, promising an exciting blend of experiences that cater to all kinds of nocturnal adventurers. From chic lounges to lively dance clubs, and from quiet jazz bars to bustling night markets, Nairobi after dark is an adventure of its own.

Brew Bistro, one of the city’s premier microbreweries, is a must-visit for beer enthusiasts. Offering a range of locally crafted brews in a sophisticated yet relaxed atmosphere, this establishment invites you to savour the notes of hops and grains while soaking in the Nairobi skyline from its rooftop location.

For a more traditional nightlife experience, visit K1 Klub House on a Sunday for their famed reggae night, or check out the popular Alchemist Bar in Westlands, known for its great music and diverse crowd. Carnivore, on the other hand, combines Nairobi’s love for Nyama Choma (barbecued meat) with dance and music, offering a uniquely Kenyan clubbing experience.

Whether you’re looking for a relaxed evening of conversation over craft beers, a night of dancing to pulsating rhythms, or a uniquely local blend of food and music, Nairobi’s nightlife scene has you covered.

Adventures in the City and Beyond

From exploring the wild terrains to engaging in thrilling activities, Nairobi offers an adventure for every spirit. The Karura Forest offers mountain biking trails and beautiful waterfalls, while the nearby Ngong Hills promises a refreshing hike with panoramic views of the Great Rift Valley.

Nairobi is also a base for exploring the mystical landscapes of Mount Kenya, Africa’s second-highest peak, or the pink wonder of Lake Nakuru, home to thousands of flamingos.

For adrenaline junkies, Nairobi provides options like white-water rafting in the Tana River or bungee jumping in Sagana. The city’s adventure parks offer zip-lining, paintball, and more, ensuring that there’s never a dull moment in Nairobi.

A Culinary Delight

Nairobi’s culinary landscape reflects its cultural diversity. From traditional Kenyan dishes like Ugali and Sukuma Wiki to international cuisine, there’s something for every palate.

Street food in Nairobi is an experience in itself. The aroma of grilling meat from roadside vendors, the taste of local delicacies like ‘mutura’ (Kenyan sausage), and the lively interaction with locals all add to the culinary adventure.

Fine dining in Nairobi is an elegant affair, with restaurants like Talisman offering gourmet experiences that fuse local ingredients with international flavors. From high-end restaurants to simple roadside stalls, Nairobi’s food scene is an exciting gastronomic journey.

Conclusion: Nairobi Awaits You

With its complex history, lively culture, wild heart, thrilling adventures, and gastronomic delights, Nairobi stands as a testament to the incredible diversity and beauty of Africa.

This city doesn’t merely exist; it thrives, it dances, it roars. Nairobi is alive, and it invites you to be part of its pulsating rhythm. Whether you’re an explorer, a foodie, an artist, or a dreamer, Nairobi has a story to share with you.

Come, be part of the narrative. Embrace the adventure. Nairobi is not just a destination; it’s an experience, a love affair with life. Nairobi awaits.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1288

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