Top Destinations for Your Jamaica Trip

Photo credit: smilla4 Beyond the Palm Fronds via photopin (license)

How many times have you hit a roadblock in your life where you just absolutely need to get away from it all? The stressors of work, school, and just life in general can wear down the best of us. Well luckily there are relaxing destinations that can take away all your problems, and Jamaica is the place to go.

Dunn’s River Falls

Located in Ocho Rios, Dunn’s River Falls is one of Jamaica’s natural gems and definitely an excursion you don’t want to miss out on. You’ll start out going on a 10 minute ride uphill. Once you actually get to the falls, you’ll follow a stairway that leads you to the bottom of the falls…and that’s where the fun starts.

If you want to climb the waterfall, then water shoes are required but you can rent them as well. But to be on the safe side, you want to be sure you pack water shoes as one of the essentials, and ensure the protection of your essentials for this particular attraction.  For those who choose not to climb the waterfall, that’s ok too…the views are breathtaking enough and the memories will last forever.

You can climb the falls on your own or take a guided tour, but I must inform you that the climb is a bit difficult, and it gets more difficult the further up you climb.

The water is nice and cool. The views and sounds of nature are amazing. Definitely one of the most relaxing and exhilarating experiences I’ve ever had.

Once you actually get to the top of the waterfall, you will feel a sense of accomplishment as well as being in pure awe of how beautiful the view from the top the waterfall is. It really puts into perspective how big the world is and how there’s so much more to see.

Rose Hall

The White Witch of Rose Hall is waiting for you to pay her a visit. This historic plantation home located in Montego Bay is legendary and will certainly raise the hairs on the back of your neck. You’ll take a tour of the majestic home, seeing her bedroom, outside grounds, and even a torture chamber.

Legend has it that Annie Palmer (born Annie Patterson) learned voodoo at a very young age. Once she turned eighteen years old, she went looking for a rich husband and met and married John Palmer, who was the owner of Rose Hall.

After only a few months of marriage, Annie became tired of John and started having love affairs with the slaves. When John discovered this, he beat her. The next day John was dead.

Annie later goes on to marry two more times, and killed both of those husbands in very gruesome ways.

Annie’s demise began when she fell for Robert Rutherford. He was not in love with her, but was in love with the grandaughter of one of her slaves. Annie didn’t like that so she cast a voodoo spell on her to to kill her. The slaves were outraged.

Annie was strangled to death and buried on the grounds of Rose Hall. A voodoo ritual was performed to make sure her evil spirit could not escape, but the ritual was not performed correctly which allowed Annie’s spirit to live on and haunt Rose Hall for all these years.

Tour guides will point to certain areas of the home where you can take pictures and possibly see supernatural images in your photos. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, Rose Hall is sure to give you goosebumps and send chills up your spine.

Rafting on the Martha Brae

This rafting wonderland is located in Falmouth, Jamaica. Take a relaxing  three mile river ride on a  bamboo raft along the Martha Brae River. Once on the raft, your tour guides will give you a history lesson on the legend of Martha Brae, they’ll sing to you, or you can take a dip in the cool waters of the river.

Before you actually take the tour, you can take a relaxing walk through the herb garden, which is known for its healing attributes.

So if you’re looking for a unique Jamaica experience, don’t miss out on this hidden treasure. Come let the sunshine warm your body and the wind blow in your hair while Rafting on the Martha Brae.

Come to Jamaica and Feel Alright

If that didn’t make you want to pack a bag and hop on the first thing smoking to Jamaica, I don’t know what will. From the shimmering blue waters to the breathtaking views, Jamaica is a true paradise on earth that will be sure to leave unforgettable memories.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1330

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