Travel in Style Without Breaking the Bank

Traveling in luxury is something that we all strive for. Be it a relaxing taxi journey to the airport, anything above the cramped space you get in economy class, or a luxury hotel with a warm bed waiting for you when you land, luxury is something we all deserve when we go and travel abroad.

But travelling in luxury comes with a hefty price tag and it’s not everyday that we can afford to travel in style. But with a couple of clever tips and frugal measures, we can all travel in style without having to break the bank.

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When travelling in a group, be smart about booking seats

When you book a seat on a flight, what’s the least likely seat you take? The middle seat in a row of three. Most planes have three seats on the sides near the window and the middle seats are usually the last to go because no one enjoys being between two different strangers. Luckily, you can use this to your advantage.

When you’re in a group and you know that the flight you’re on isn’t a very popular one (you can usually tell by the number of seats that have already been booked) then book two seats and leave the middle one.

There’s a very high chance that no one will book that middle seat and you’ll have extra space when travelling in economy class. If by some chance the seat is booked, then the random stranger should have no trouble switching so you can still be next to your travel companion.

Look for discounted flights in the right places

If you’re going to book a flight, then make sure you look for deals. Most deals only happen as last-minute offers because an airline or travel agent is trying to fill in the last few spots on a plane, but there are times when a new hotel has opened or a country is trying to promote a city as a tourist attraction and you’ll get plenty of fantastic deals. If you check websites such as, you’ll be able to find plenty of travel coupons that will shave money off your next holiday, be it on travel costs or at your hotel. You’ll be surprised at how many luxurious locations there are in the world that cost a fraction of what you pay in a well-known location such as London or Paris.

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Remember to use miles that you have saved up

If you fly on a regular basis with a single airline, then chances are you’ve probably got a lot of miles saved up and you could probably use them to upgrade your flight for a low price or even for free.

Many people save up their air miles to upgrade their flight tickets for extra comfort, but it doesn’t really work if you are travelling with a group for your holiday.

However, if you plan to take a solo holiday at some point, then always check your air miles and don’t forget to redeem them for a nicer flight experience or additional bonuses like access to the pre-flight lounge.

Don’t forget your in-flight WiFi and amenities

When you travel on a long flight, the only thing that’s going to keep you sane aside from a good rest is WiFi and in-flight charging. However, these are no longer amenities that are only given to first class and above.

In fact, many airlines offer in-flight charging and WiFi to even economy class customers. If you’re going to travel on a long flight, ensure you fly with an airline that offers you both of these essentials. You’ll be able to travel while keeping in touch with friends and family, getting a bit of work done before you kick off your holiday, or perhaps even play a few games to keep you entertained.

If you bring a laptop or other media device, then you can easily keep it charged during the flight with in-seat power.

Get accustomed to the language
Unless you want to be seen as a tourist (even if you are one) you never want people to take advantage of your lack of knowledge about the culture and language of the place you are visiting.

Everyone from taxi drivers to bag handlers are going to be conning you for money on a regular basis, so make sure you look comfortable and natural by learning the language.

If you’re interested in learning a language quick, then this article at has a couple of great tips. Even a couple of phrases will do just fine, and make sure you learn about the culture and customs so you don’t look even more out of place. If you show genuine interest in the people and country, then you’re more likely to get invited out with the locals and they’ll show you all the best places to eat, drink and entertain yourself.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1356

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