Croatia Travel Safety: What Precautions Should You Take?

Is Travel to Croatia Safe? Your Comprehensive Guide

croatia travel safety

Are you considering a trip to Croatia in 2023? Whether you’re drawn by the stunning coastal landscapes, historical sites, or vibrant culture, it’s important to know whether the country is safe for travelers. In this guide, we’ll delve into the Croatia travel safety, giving you the information you need to plan your dream vacation.

SectionKey Takeaways
1. Understanding Safety in Croatia– Low crime rate and minimal terrorism threat makes Croatia a safe destination

– Petty crime can occur but violent crime is rare

– Ranked high (#14) on Global Peace Index

2. Crime and Petty Theft– Pickpocketing, scams, and theft from cars occur in tourist areas

– Use anti-theft bags, money belts to secure belongings

3. Safety in Tourist Areas– Remain vigilant of surroundings and belongings in crowded tourist spots and public transport
4. Weather Hazards– Heat, fires, floods, earthquakes, and landmines are risks in certain areas
5. Solo & Women Travelers– Croatia is safe for solo female travelers

– Take precautions like avoiding deserted areas at night

6. Safety Tips– Secure valuables, stay informed, blend in, have emergency contacts
7. Transportation Safety– Caution driving on winding roads; don’t leave valuables in rental car

– Watch belongings on public transport

– Only use licensed taxis with running meters

8. Health & Safety– Tap water is safe; take food safety precautions

– Protect against sun, riptides, ticks/snakes when outdoors

9. Resources– Check official sites like Ministry of Tourism for latest advisories
10. Laws & Customs– Obey drug, public intoxication, and jaywalking laws

– Greet with handshake; dress modestly at churches

11. Lodging Safety– Vet hotels, rentals, hostels thoroughly and keep valuables secure
12. Medical Care– Good healthcare available, though prepare for waits at public facilities

– Get travel insurance with emergency medical coverage

13. Conclusion– Croatia is safe if you take reasonable precautions

– Stay informed, use common sense, and immerse in the culture

1. Understanding Safety in Croatia

Croatia is generally considered a safe destination for travelers. If you plan to explore the beautiful coastline by yacht, it’s essential to know about safe Anchorages In Croatia to enhance your experience. The country boasts a low crime rate and a welcoming atmosphere for tourists. Violent crime and the threat of terrorism are rare, contributing to a sense of security for those exploring this beautiful European gem.

Croatia’s past includes the aftermath of the Croatian War of Independence in the 1990s, which has led to some tensions remaining between ethnic groups. However, the country has made great strides in reconciliation and establishing itself as a premier travel destination. Crime rates have steadily declined since 1995.

In terms of overall peace and safety, the 2023 Global Peace Index ranked Croatia #14 out of 163 countries. Croatia experiences about 4 times less serious crime than the United States. While no place is completely without risk, Croatia offers a relatively safe and hospitable environment for visitors.

Some key facts and statistics about safety in Croatia:

  • Violent crime is rare, with a declining homicide rate since 1995
  • Croatia ranked #14 on the Global Peace Index’s safest countries in 2023
  • The US State Department rates Croatia as a minimal threat for terrorism
  • Petty crimes like pickpocketing and scams do occur, but aren’t widespread
  • There is minimal risk of civil unrest or political demonstrations

By exercising reasonable precautions like avoiding deserted areas at night, securing belongings properly, and staying away from protests, tourists are very unlikely to encounter safety issues in Croatia.


2. Crime and Petty Theft: What Travelers Should Know

Like many tourist destinations, Croatia sees instances of petty theft, especially around major tourism areas. While this is not a widespread issue, it’s advisable to exercise caution and common sense. Keep an eye on your belongings, use secure bags, and avoid displaying valuables openly.

Some common types of petty crime in tourist hubs include:

  • Pickpocketing – Be particularly vigilant in crowded areas like Dubrovnik, Split, Zagreb, and popular national parks.
  • Scams – Watch out for “buy me a drink” bar scams, overcharging at clubs, and swindles like the rosemary scam.
  • Theft from rental cars – Don’t leave any bags or valuables visible in your parked rental car.

Other than occasional petty theft, violent crime and more serious offenses are relatively rare, especially against tourists. Exercise reasonable precautions and you are unlikely to encounter any significant safety issues.

Keeping Your Money Safe

To secure your cash and valuables against petty theft, using an anti-theft bag or money belt is highly recommended. Some top tips:

  • Only carry the cash you need for the day, leaving the rest secured in your hotel
  • Consider a pickpocket-proof bag with hidden zippers and compartments
  • A waist money belt under your clothes can hold your passport, credit cards, and extra emergency cash
  • Avoid visibly displaying expensive cameras, jewelry, or electronics
  • Be very cautious when withdrawing cash from ATMs or exchanging money
  • Keep photocopies of your passport/docs instead of carrying the originals

3. Safety Measures in Tourist Areas

Croatia places emphasis on the safety of its tourists. Travelers are advised to take extra care in busy tourist areas, bus and railway stations, and on public transport. Vigilance goes a long way in ensuring a trouble-free experience.

Here are some key safety tips for popular tourist spots:

LocationSafety Tips
Busy Tourist AreasBe cautious of your surroundings and belongings.
Bus/Railway StationsKeep a close eye on your bags and personal items.
Public TransportEnsure your belongings are secure while traveling.

When visiting top attractions like Diocletian’s Palace or Dubrovnik’s Old Town that draw huge crowds, be very mindful of pickpockets brushing up against you in tight spaces. Maintaining control of your personal items will go a long way in preventing petty theft.

4. Weather and Natural Hazards

Croatia’s diverse landscapes bring with them varying weather patterns and potential natural hazards. When planning your trip, it’s essential to consider the weather conditions that might affect your travel. Coastal areas experience mild Mediterranean climates, while the interior can see colder winters.

Some key weather hazards to be aware of include:

  • Extreme heat – The summer months can bring scorching temperatures and an increased risk of heat stroke. Stay hydrated, seek shade, and cover up.
  • Forest fires – Common in the hot, dry summertime. Pay attention to fire warnings and any calls for evacuation.
  • Flash floods – Sudden intense rainfall can cause dangerous flooding, especially around river areas.
  • Earthquakes – Moderate quakes occur periodically due to Croatia’s position on two tectonic plates. Know what to do if you feel tremors.

In addition, travelers venturing to remote areas should be cautious of potential landmines left over from the Croatian War of Independence. Stay on marked trails and seek local guidance about mine clearance efforts in the area you’ll be visiting.

5. Solo Travel and Women’s Safety

Croatia has gained a reputation as a safe destination for solo travelers, including women. Many female travelers have reported feeling comfortable and secure during their visits. Nevertheless, it’s recommended to follow general safety guidelines and trust your instincts.

Here are some top tips for women and solo travelers:

  • Stick to well-lit streets at night and avoid deserted areas
  • Consider group tours or guides for added security in remote regions
  • Research accommodation to ensure it is located in a safe area
  • Be selective about who you accept drinks from at bars or clubs
  • Dress appropriately and avoid openly displaying expensive items
  • Have emergency contacts and local police numbers handy

While Croatia is very welcoming to women and solo visitors, following basic precautions will help maximize your peace of mind.

Is Croatia Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Croatia is widely considered one of the safest European countries for solo female travelers. Violent crime is rare, locals are generally very respectful, and cities offer well-lit streets and plenty of other tourists.

However, it’s always wise for women to exercise caution when traveling alone. Follow these tips to stay secure:

  • Trust your instincts – leave any situation that makes you uneasy
  • Avoid deserted areas, especially at night
  • Don’t get excessively intoxicated at bars or clubs
  • Use caution with people you meet and don’t share too many personal details
  • Dress appropriately by covering up and not displaying expensive items
  • Consider group tours and guided activities for added safety

6. Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Trip

Here are some key ways to enhance safety and enjoy your Croatia travel experience:

Keep Valuables Secure

  • Use anti-theft bags and keep valuable items out of sight
  • Consider a money belt or security wallet
  • Leave passports and excess cash in your hotel safe
  • Only carry minimal cash, cards, and ID when out sightseeing

Stay Informed

  • Stay updated on local news and travel advisories
  • Check weather forecasts daily and adjust plans accordingly
  • Research your destinations in advance for any specific safety tips

Blend In

  • Dress modestly to respect local customs and avoid standing out
  • Avoid wearing expensive jewelry or accessories
  • Don’t walk around cities shirtless or just in swimwear

Have Emergency Contacts Handy

  • Save local emergency numbers like 112 in your phone
  • Keep the number for your country’s embassy or consulate available
  • Have photocopies of your passport and key documents

Essential Items to Pack

  • Travel insurance documentation
  • Photocopies of passport, credit cards, etc.
  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Clothing suitable for the weather conditions
  • Protective items like sunscreen and sunglasses

7. Getting Around Croatia Safely

When it comes to transportation in Croatia, a little bit of extra care can ensure you travel safely between destinations. Here are some key tips:

Driving Safety

  • Avoid driving at night on winding coastal and mountain roads
  • Be very cautious of other drivers speeding and overtaking
  • Don’t leave any valuables visible in your parked rental car
  • Keep your passport and extra cash in your hotel, not the car
  • Make sure your rental car has a reflective safety vest and triangles

Public Transportation Safety

  • Watch your belongings on crowded buses, trains, and trams
  • Be alert at stations, which can attract petty theft
  • Consider group transport options like guided bus tours
  • Only take marked licensed taxis and ensure the meter is running

Rideshares and Airport Transfers

  • Pre-book rides via reputable companies whenever possible
  • Double check the license plate and driver’s name/photo before entering any rideshare vehicle
  • Arrange airport transfers through your hotel rather than taxi stands

Intercity Buses

  • Keep valuables secured and avoid napping on long overnight bus rides
  • Check luggage storage compartments are locked before departure
  • When possible, purchase tickets at the station to avoid scams

8. Health and Safety Considerations

Taking a few simple precautions will help keep you healthy and safe during your Croatia travels:

Water Safety

  • Tap water is perfectly safe to drink throughout Croatia
  • Bring a reusable water bottle to reduce plastic waste
  • Check cafe/restaurant water filters if wanting bottled water

Food Safety

  • Opt for hot, thoroughly cooked dishes and packaged snacks
  • Avoid food that has been sitting out for long periods
  • Only eat at busy restaurants with high turnover
  • Check reviews to avoid tourist traps with poor food safety

Sun Protection

  • Use high SPF sunscreen (30+ recommended) and reapply often
  • Wear a hat and UV-blocking sunglasses outside
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure between 11am-3pm
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated

Swimming Safety

  • Don’t swim alone or after consuming alcohol
  • Supervise children closely around water
  • Watch for potential riptides on beaches with stronger waves
  • Wear water shoes to avoid sea urchins and other marine hazards

Outdoor Hazards

  • Bring insect repellent and wear long sleeves/pants when hiking to avoid ticks
  • Learn to identify poisonous snakes and spiders native to forest areas
  • Do not venture off marked trails due to landmine risk in certain remote regions

9. Resources for Up-to-Date Information

It’s wise to consult official sources leading up to your trip for the latest on travel safety and protocols in Croatia. Helpful resources include:

Staying informed from reliable sources can help you make wise decisions and travel safely.

10. Navigating Laws, Customs, and Etiquette

Croatia is relatively lenient compared to some other European nations, but obeying local laws and customs will keep you out of trouble:

Key Laws and Enforcement Practices

  • Casual drug use such as marijuana is illegal – penalties can be strict
  • Tolerance for alcohol intoxication in public is relatively low
  • Jaywalking and not paying public transport fares may result in fines
  • Corruption among police isn’t common but does exist – exercise caution

Customs to Observe

  • Dress modestly when visiting churches – knees/shoulders covered
  • Greet people with “Dobar dan” and a handshake upon meeting
  • Remove shoes when entering a home – bring indoor slippers if you’ll be staying awhile
  • Ask permission before photographing people
  • Be punctual for social gatherings and dinner invitations

Cultural Differences

  • Tipping is appreciated but not required – 10-15% is standard
  • Lines/queues are not always orderly – be prepared to gently assert your place
  • Locals may seem loud and boisterous, but aggression is rare
  • Conversations tend to start off formal – don’t use first names right away

11. Staying Safe and Secure in Accommodations

Choosing safe accommodations will give you great peace of mind during your Croatia travels. Here are some useful tips:


  • Look for well-reviewed hotels in a safe part of town – check recent reviews
  • Email the hotel ahead of time with any security concerns or questions
  • Don’t leave valuables openly visible in your room during housekeeping or maintenance visits
  • Use in-room safes or the hotel’s front desk safe for passport/excess cash
  • Alert hotel security or front desk staff about any disturbances or suspicious activities

Vacation Rentals

  • Carefully read all property descriptions and host reviews
  • Apartments may lack safety features like double locks – inspect upon arrival
  • Don’t advertise your travel plans publicly on rental listing sites
  • Keep your passport and any unneeded valuables at home – only bring essentials


  • Look for hostels with lockers, security cameras, lockable rooms, and attentive staff
  • Avoid keeping large amounts of cash in your room – use hostel safes
  • Keep close watch over your belongings in communal areas like lounges and kitchens

No matter your lodging type, the most secure option is reserving through reputable companies. Research thoroughly, trust your instincts, and take basic precautions once there.

12. Health and Medical Care

Croatia provides good quality healthcare through a mix of public and private options. As a foreign visitor, here is what you need to know:

Public Care

  • Public clinics and hospitals are affordable but can have long waits
  • EU residents can access free emergency care with an EHIC card
  • US travelers must pay out of pocket then make an insurance claim

Private Care

  • Many doctors and clinics in Croatia accept major insurance plans
  • Contact your insurer to find partner medical facilities before traveling
  • “Poliklinika” private practices offer specialized services with some English-speaking staff


  • Many medications available over-the-counter without prescriptions
  • Look for green cross “ljekarna” signs – pharmacies are typically open weekdays
  • Carry all medication in original packaging with doctor’s notes and prescriptions

Emergency Care

  • Call 112 or 194 for medical emergencies – operators usually speak English
  • Ambulances do not cost extra compared to taxis for those needing urgent hospital transport
  • Contact your embassy if you have any serious medical issues or concerns

Travel insurance with emergency medical coverage is highly recommended. Overall though, Croatia provides good health services for travelers.

13. Conclusion

Embarking on a journey to Croatia can be a truly enriching experience. With its captivating landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality, Croatia has much to offer to travelers seeking a blend of adventure and relaxation.

By staying informed, taking necessary precautions, and embracing the local culture, you can enjoy a safe and unforgettable trip to this picturesque European nation. Focus on immersing yourself in Croatia’s beauty while following basic safety and health precautions.

Use this guide as a helpful starting point for planning your own safe Croatia travel itinerary. Do your own careful research, prepare adequately, and keep an open mind. The spectacular coast, medieval architecture, and welcoming locals await! Have a wonderful and secure journey.

Andy Higgs
Andy Higgs

I know what it's like to go from being a crazy backpacker without a care in the world, via being a vaguely sensible parent to being an adventurer once more. In other words, evolving into a Grown-up Traveller.

Like everyone else, I love to travel, have visited a lot of countries and all that but my big thing is Africa.

I also own and run The Grown-up Travel Company as a travel designer creating personalised African itineraries for experienced adventurers

Articles: 1326

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