
Next trip details: The Florida Keys

Photo credit: Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas National Park via photopin (license) Greetings from Finland! I’m here for the Nordic Bloggers Experience and MATKA travel trade fair for the third time. I love Helsinki and Finland and am staying in a…

Take the ultimate winter road trip in Iceland

When you hear the words “road trip” the first thing that comes to mind is often the idea of cruising down a long country road on a hot summer’s day in a convertible, with the wind blowing through your hair.…

Amazing places to stay in Iceland

There are countless good reasons to visit Iceland (for example, to celebrate Christmas in a different way) and when you get there, plenty of fabulous places to stay. Ditch the anonymous chain hotel and try one or more of these:…

The best Christmas markets in Copenhagen

We’ve now covered Berlin, Paris, Stockholm and New York in this updated series and today we’re heading back to Scandinavia by popping down to the Danish capital, Copenhagen. Here you’ll find a variety of Christmas markets to check out, and don’t forget to…

The best Christmas markets in New York

Before you go on it seems rude not to point our that here on Grown-up Travel Guide we’ve now updated our articles on the best Christmas markets in Berlin, Paris and Stockholm. But now it’s time for something completely different. Well, not really…

The best Christmas markets in Stockholm

After covering Berlin in our first post and Paris in our second, we move on to Stockholm which also has plenty to offer in December; and winter is a great time to visit. The city is beautifully illuminated after the sun…